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Video list

The list contains videos posted on YouTube, referring to Lenspecial.


The video shows how, through SAVAplus, you could create a patient card and a full assesment to determine whether the person may have some benefits from an implant of Lenspecial's IOL.

Prof. Giovanni Alessio -
IOL-Vip Revolution

In the video, Prof. Giovanni Alessio has implanted a telescopic IOL-VIP Revolution at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Bari Note that when he inserted the SAL-Ring, he did not use the injector.

IOL-VIP Revolution implantation

The new IOL-VIP Revolution implant allows to enlist also patients affects with wet forms, glaucoma and, above all, patients with degenerative myopia (the results are amazing). Compared to the IOL-VIP Classic, which has the eyepiece of the telescopic system in the capsular bag and the lens in the anterior chamber, with the Revolution implant the whole system is accommodated inside the capsular bag using a capsular ring (SALring). The IOL-VIP Revolution not be prescribed to patients pseudo-fachici.

Low Vision Working Station

Lenspecial has helped to create the first working station devoted to the management of the patient with low vision. In the video presentation of the Low Vision Working Station, it points out the main characteristics and objectives that can be achieved.

IOL Vip Revolution - Janach new specific set

With this video it is possible to understand how use the specific set produced form Janach for the IOL-Vip Revolution implant.

Dott. Piero Barboni - IOL-Vip Revolution

In the video, dr. Piero Barboni has implanted a telescopic IOL-VIP Revolution. Note that when he inserted the SAL-Ring, he used the injector.

Faco with IOL in SALring


SUBVISION S.r.l. ¬ Via G. da Procida, 6 ¬ 20149 Milano ¬
Capitale sociale € 10.400 ¬
Registro Imprese di Milano Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 08426690155