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IOL-Vip Revolution

The new IOL-VIP Revolution implant allows to enlist also patients affects with wet forms, glaucoma and, above all, patients with degenerative myopia (the results are amazing). Compared to the IOL-VIP Classic, which has the eyepiece of the telescopic system in the capsular bag and the lens in the anterior chamber,...

IOL-VIP Revolution implantation

The new IOL-VIP Revolution implant allows to enlist also patients affects with wet forms, glaucoma and, above all, patients with degenerative myopia (the results are amazing). Compared to the IOL-VIP Classic, which has the eyepiece of the telescopic system in the capsular bag and the lens in the anterior chamber,...


SUBVISION S.r.l. ¬ Via G. da Procida, 6 ¬ 20149 Milano ¬
Capitale sociale € 10.400 ¬
Registro Imprese di Milano Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 08426690155